Boom Boom Clan Manager
Home | Clan War League


If you like, join the clan forum to connect with the clan, discuss, share and get Clash content.

In return for being part of the clan and receiving clan perks the following guidelines are in place:

In order to maintain a healthy clan, warnings will be given for the following Warnings stay in effect for a week; three strikes and you will be removed from the clan

Clan War Leagues

Ranking Calculation

If you fail to attack in CWL or attack without heroes then -500 rank is applied until the end of the next CWL
A green arrow indicates your rank is improving based on the last three wars

CWL Rank

CWL bonuses are awarded based on the 'mod' column of the player table, which can be found here. The following CWL ranking calculation is used

Ore Farming

There is a secondary feeder clan available, which is used for farming ore during CWL. You can join the clan by clicking here. Once the CWL sign up period has ended notifications will be given in game so you can move over and sign up for a normal war thereby doing both CWL and normal war in parallel.

Clan Games

Raid Weekends


Clan Perks

Clan War Preference

War Performance

Follow these guidelines if you are struggling with performance in war

Ground Root Riders with Overgrowth

An easy OP spam army EASIEST Spam ROOT RIDER Strategy CRUSHES TH16
Root Rider + Valkyrie Combo With Overgrowth Spell !! Best Th16 Attack Strategy 2024

Ground Witch Slap

An easy OP spam army Th13 Attack Strategy 2022 - Golem Witch Zap Combo Town Hall 13
NEW LIGHTNING SPELL + MASS WITCHES is UNSTOPPABLE!!! TH15 Attack Strategy | Clash of Clans
WOW! So simple... SO STRONG! TH12 Zap Mass Witches is CRAZY! Best TH12 Attack Strategies
Th14 Golem Witch Attack Strategy With Earthquake !! 4 Golem + 8 Earthquake + 15 Witch Th14 Attack

Air Attack Electro Dragons

This is perhaps one of the easiest armies to use Master Of Electro Dragon Attack !! 11 E Dragon - Th14 Attack Strategy Clash Of Clans 2022
No Heroes No Problem! New to TH11 Electro Dragon Attack Strategy for War
Th11 Zap Electro Dragon War Strategy
BEST TH12 Attack Strategy 2019 - Town Hall 12 *E-DRAG* Army
Easiest TH12 Attack Strategy for 3 Stars! TH12 Electro Dragons

Choosing Targets

First attack should always be your mirror, if your mirror has been defeated you are free to choose your target using the following guidelines in order of importance
  1. Obtaining stars; if you can reasonably be expected to get stars then you should
  2. Attack as high up the map as you can; You certainly shouldn't be attacking more than three castles below unless there is not a reasonable chance of obtaining a star higher up the map
  3. Any castle if there is less than four hours remaining in the war and you can obtain multiple stars

Source Code

Download for your clan here